
サレジオ会 日本管区 Salesians of Don Bosco

EAOボナノッテ 4月:耳を傾け、時間を無駄にしていますか?









 この復活節の50日を始めるにあたり、エマオへの道で歩み、耳を傾けるイエスに目と心を向けます。思いめぐらすのに何というすばらしいイメージでしょうか! そう、確かに、忍耐と深い関心をもって若者、協働者、兄弟会員と共に歩み対話するのは簡単ではありません! 友情あふれるアッシステンテの謙遜な姿勢のイエス、若者と共に歩み、まことの人生へと彼らを導くイエスに従う恵みを、私は願います。


 主よ、お話しください! 僕は聞いております!(サムエル記上3章10節)


EAO地域顧問 ヴァツラフ・クレメンテ神父, SDB


EAO Good Night Talk (49)

Dili, Timor Leste
April 1, 2018

Are you happy to waste your time in listening?

Dear Friends and Salesian Family members,

Receive a heartfelt Easter greetings again from Dili, Timor Leste, one month after our annual EAO meeting of provincials and delegation superiors. Yesterday I have returned from the short intermediary General council meeting in Rome, where we discerned with the Rector Major the theme and path towards the next General Chapter 28 (2020). Today we also remember the 230th Birthday of Mamma Margaret [Margarita Occhiena], mother of Don Bosco [1788 – 1856] as well the anniversary of Don Bosco canonization day in 1934.

During past two months moving around Indonesia and Timor Leste, I met hundreds of young people who are growing with the Salesian Family members and spent long hours in listening, in dialogue and deep insight in the hearts of our confreres. I try to treasure especially many questions raised. And now, entering the Eastertide, my attention is attracted by the Emmaus story of Jesus who walks along the disappointed disciples. Yes, Jesus didn’t hesitate to waste his precious time in listening. And what about me, what about us today? We might fall easily in temptation to cut short a long annoying talk of our fellow confrere, lay mission partner or our young animator.

We might be tempted to consider this a ‘waste of time’, because we already ‘know’ what will come out. We could gain few minutes but in this way we close our heart to the confrere, lay person or to the young. We recognize again, the most frequent blame raised by the young or lay people: “Salesians have no time listen to us.”

Starting these 50 days of Eastertide, I turn the eyes of my heart on Jesus walking and listening on the way to Emmaus. Oh, it’s a wonderful image to consider! Yes, it’s not easy to talking the walk with patience and deep interest in the life of our youth, lay and confreres! I’m asking the grace to follow Jesus in his humble attitude of a friendly assistant, who walks together with the young and guides them to the true life.

Yes, I’m happy to waste time in listening to the young people and my confreres!

Lord, speak! Your servant is listening! (1 Sam 3, 10)

I wish all of you a joy filled Eastertide!

Fr. Václav Klement, SDB EAO Regional councillor


Emmaus 1 Emmaus 2 Emmaus-3